The African Communities Network of Iowa and the United States of America welcomes you. Please know that you are not alone because
all of us are immigrants and America is a nation of immigrants regardless how you got here. We know you are overwhelm with life
adjustment, cultural shock and many other things you were not prepared for before coming to USA. Relax, take a deep breath and let
us hold your hand and try to navigate you through the system to the best of our ability. Your best source of information is your
community, the people who came here before you are great source of information but you have to be open minded and get second opinion
always. You need to be aware that different people interpret information differently, so your best approach is to get the information
from reliable sources(local, state and federal agencies). Information about housing, health insurance, schools, employment, driving ,
banking , healthcare, immigration etc... can be found at most government offices, libraries or online but make sure you understand well
the information. We hope you find the information you are looking for and perhaps the answers to your many questions but don't be
discourage or be frustrated by the volume of information because it is way of life here in America.