1035 Wade Street, Iowa City, IA
info@africomnetwork.com 319-400-3877

About Our Network

Empowering African Immigrants and Refugees

Welcome To the African Community Network of Iowa ( ACN of I). African Communities Network of Iowa is incorporated under the Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 504A, Code of Iowa as a not for profit organization. This nonprofit organization registered under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 501(c) was created with the goal of building a platform for Africans to come together, get to know each other, discuss issues within the community, provide assistance to members, integrate better with their host communities and contribute towards solutions to problems that arise within the community.

Our Values


Fostering a strong sense of community and belonging among African immigrants, refugees, and the broader African diaspora in Iowa.


Empowering African Iowans to successfully integrate, access resources, and thrive in their new home.


Advocating for the rights, needs, and representation of the African community in Iowa at the local and state level.

Diversity & Inclusion

Promoting greater diversity, equity, and inclusion for people of African origin within Iowa's social, economic, and political spheres.

Join Us!

A Few Reasons Why You Should Become a Member!

The African Communities Network of Iowa is a vibrant, growing organization that welcomes all who share our vision of a more inclusive, equitable Iowa that celebrates diversity. Join us today and be a force for positive change in your community! Together, we can build bridges, break down barriers, and create a more welcoming Iowa for all.

Get Involved


Connect with a supportive community of African immigrants, refugees, and allies. Contribute your unique skills and perspectives to strengthen our organization. Be part of building a better future for the African diaspora in Iowa

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Guide & Support

Get involved in advocacy efforts to amplify the voices of African Iowans. Access resources and information to help immigrant and refugee families thrive in Iowa.

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Attend African events and activities that celebrate African heritage. Participate in cultural exchange programs to share your traditions with other Iowans. Learn about the diverse cultures and histories represented in Iowa's African community.

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